Recherche en FRANCE :
???????, une eurasienne de
74 ans ou plus,
" une petite princesse vietnamienne
" qui était en banlieue sud de Paris,
un mari Italien, en 1999, quand elle avait 50 ans.
avait croisé Claude B...... de l'Hay les Roses,
qui est maintenant
en PACA, près de Nice
et qui aimerait bien avoir des nouvelles
de Thérèse.
Si vous connaissez THERESE,
dites lui de répondre
ici par E-MAIL,
ou si elle voit ce message,
qu'elle réponde ici par E-MAIL,
pour donner de ses nouvelles à CLAUDE B . . . . . .
perdue de vue en juillet 1999,
elle mesure dans les ~ 150 cm,
~ 40 kg, ~ 50 ans en 1999, donc dans les 74 ans en 2023,
des beaux cheveux
noirs ondulés, 4 ou 5 enfants, 3 ou 4 frères et soeurs.
THERESE voit cette page,
qu'elle réponde ici par E-MAIL,
![]() MOLLIE GROGAN or MOLLIE GROGGAN ![]() Dentist in Royal Air Forces or other GB army. in Jersey in september 1962. |
![]() PASTALOZZA ![]() qui était "guida turistica" au Mont Saint Michel, pendant l'été 1960. |
![]() SONIA ? ![]() who studied french, in 1964-65+ at CAEN University, France with her friend TELMA from Brazil. |
I CONTINUE TO SEARCH for some former FRIENDS, to get news from them :
habitait Viale di Porta Ardeatina ROMA, vers 1960
d'où l'été
1960, elle était venue au Mont Saint Michel,
comme guide touristique
avec un groupe d'italiens.
Donatella doit avoir
environ 75 ans +- en 2020
Je serai très heureux d'avoir
de ses nouvelles.
si vous la connaissez,
dites lui de m'adresser un message par EMAIL.
réponse ici par E-MAIL,à
CLAUDE B . . . . . . , guide étudiant au Mont Saint Michel,
été 1960 ++.
Please, can you
help me to find a former friend, from ENGLAND
She was in holidays in
JERSEY, on september 1962
we met here, on the beach : "Havre des pas" in
St Helier.
She was dentist in Royal air forces or English army.
must be more than 75 years old in 2020
If you know
her, please tell her to send me a message by EMAIL.
WRITE an answer by E-MAIL, thanks
a lot, CLAUDE B . . . . . .
I should be very happy, to dial with her.
Please, can you help me to find 2 former Brazilian friends,
SONIA et TELMA 2 Brésiliennes
qui étudiaient le francais
à l'université de CAEN en France vers 1964 - 1965
If you know them,
please tell her to send me a message by EMAIL.
on the left, must be more than 75 years old in 2020
I should be
very happy, to hear about any of them.
answer by E-MAIL, thanks a lot
to CLAUDE B . . . . . . , living now in FREJUS in south of France.
Country abreviation
Codes Codes abrégés des pays
Country abreviation
Codes @ | |||
AF | Afghanistan | LR | Liberia |
AL | Albania | LY | Libya |
DZ | Algeria | LI | Liechtenstein |
AS | American Samoa | LT | Lithuania |
AD | Andorra | LU | Luxembourg |
AO | Angola | MO | Macau |
AI | Anguilla | MK | Macedonia |
AQ | Antarctica | MG | Madagascar |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | MW | Malawi |
AR | Argentina | MY | Malaysia |
AM | Armenia | MV | Maldives |
AW | Aruba | ML | Mali |
AU | Australia | MT | Malta |
AT | Austria | MH | Marshall Islands |
AZ | Azerbaijan | MQ | Martinique |
BS | Bahamas | MR | Mauritania |
BH | Bahrain | MU | Mauritius |
BD | Bangladesh | YT | Mayotte |
BB | Barbados | MX | Mexico |
BY | Belarus | FM | Micronesia |
BE | Belgium | MD | Moldova |
BZ | Belize | MC | Monaco |
BJ | Benin | MN | Mongolia |
BM | Bermuda | MS | Montserrat |
BT | Bhutan | MA | Morocco |
BO | Bolivia | MZ | Mozambique |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | MM | Myanmar |
BW | Botswana | NA | Namibia |
BV | Bouvet Island | NR | Nauru |
BR | Brazil | NP | Nepal |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | NL | Netherlands |
BN | Brunei Darussalam | AN | Netherlands Antilles |
BG | Bulgaria | NC | New Caledonia |
BF | Burkina Faso | NZ | New Zealand |
BI | Burundi | NI | Nicaragua |
KH | Cambodia | NE | Niger |
CM | Cameroon | NG | Nigeria |
CA | Canada | NU | Niue |
CV | Cape Verde | NF | Norfolk Island |
KY | Cayman Islands | MP | Northern Mariana Islands |
CF | Central African Republic | NO | Norway |
TD | Chad | OM | Oman |
CL | Chile | PK | Pakistan |
CN | China | PW | Palau |
CX | Christmas Island | PA | Panama |
CC | Cocos [Keeling] Islands | PG | Papua New Guinea |
CO | Colombia | PY | Paraguay |
KM | Comoros | PE | PERU |
CG | Congo | PH | Philippines |
CK | Cook Islands | PN | Pitcairn |
CR | Costa Rica | PL | Poland |
CI | COTE D'Ivoire [Ivory Coast] | PT | Portugal |
HR | Croatia [Hrvatska] | PR | Puerto Rico |
CU | Cuba | QA | Qatar |
CY | Cyprus | RE | Reunion |
CZ | Czech Republic | RO | Romania |
DK | Denmark | RU | Russian Federation |
DJ | Djibouti | RW | Rwanda |
DM | Dominica | KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
DO | Dominican Republic | LC | Saint Lucia |
TP | East Timor | VC | Saint Vincent and The Grenadine s |
EC | Ecuador | WS | Samoa |
EG | Egypt | SM | San Marino |
SV | El Salvador | ST | Sao Tome and Principe |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | SA | Saudi Arabia |
ER | Eritrea | SN | Senegal |
EE | Estonia | SC | Seychelles |
ET | Ethiopia | SL | Sierra Leone |
FK | Falkland Islands [Malvinas] | SG | Singapore |
FO | Faroe Islands | SK | Slovak Republic |
FJ | Fiji | SI | Sloven ia |
FI | Finland | SB | Solomon Islands |
FR | France | SO | Somalia |
FX | France, Metropolitan | ZA | South Africa |
GF | French Guiana | GS | S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Islands |
PF | French Polynesia | ES | Spain |
TF | French Southern Territories | LK | Sri Lanka |
GA | Gabon | SH | St. Helena |
GM | Gambia | PM | St. Pierre and Miquelon |
GE | Georgia | SD | Sudan |
DE | Germa ny | SR | Suriname |
GH | Ghana | SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands |
GI | Gibraltar | SZ | Swaziland |
GR | Greece | SE | Sweden |
GL | Greenland | CH | Switzerland |
GD | Grenada | SY | Syria |
GP | Guadeloupe | TW | Taiwan |
GU | GUAM | TJ | Tajikistan |
GT | Guatemala | TZ | Tanzania |
GN | Guinea | TH | Thailand |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | TG | Togo |
GY | Guyana | TK | Tokelau |
HT | Haiti | TO | Tonga |
HM | Heard and McDonald Islands | TT | Trinidad and Tobago |
HN | Honduras | TN | Tunisia |
HK | Hong Kong | TR | Turkey |
HU | Hungary | TM | Turkmenistan |
IS | Iceland | TC | Turk s and Caicos Islands |
IN | India | TV | Tuvalu |
ID | Indonesia | UG | Uganda |
IR | Iran | UA | Ukraine |
IQ | Iraq | AE | United Arab Emirates |
IE | Ireland | UK | United Kingdom |
IL | Israel | US | United States Of America |
CG | Italy | UM | US Minor Outlying Islands |
JM | Jamaica | UY | Uruguay |
JP | Japan | UZ | Uzbekistan |
JO | Jordan | VU | Vanuatu |
KZ | Kazakhstan | VA | Vatican City State [Holy See] |
KE | Kenya | VE | Venezuela |
KI | Kiribati | VN | Viet Nam |
KP | Korea [North] | VG | Virgin Islands [British] |
KR | Korea [South] | VI | Virgin Islands [US] |
KW | Kuwait | WF | Wallis and Futuna Islands |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | EH | Western Sahara |
LA | Laos | YE | Yemen |
LV | Latvia | YU | Yugoslavia |
LB | Lebanon | ZR | Zaire |
LS | Lesotho | ZM | Zambia |
OTHER LIST if not found , AUTRE LISTE si non trouvé
Codes abrégés @ des pays | ||
AG : Antigua And Barbuda | HT : Haiti | PY : Paraguay |
AR : Argentina | HN : Honduras | PE : Peru |
AM : Armenia | HK : Hong Kong | PH : Philippines |
AW : Aruba | HU : Hungary | PL : Poland |
AU : Australia | IS : Iceland | PT : Portugal |
AT : Austria | IN : India | PR : Puerto Rico |
AZ : Azerbaijan | ID : Indonesia | QA : Qatar |
BS : Bahamas | IR : Iran | RO : Romania |
BD : Bangladesh | IE : Ireland | RU : Russian Federation |
BB : Barbados | IL : Israel | SA : Saudi Arabia |
BY : Belarus | IT : Italy | SG : Singapore |
BE : Belgium | JM : Jamaica | SK : Slovakia |
BL : Belize | JP : Japan | SI : Slovenia |
BM : Bermuda | JO : Jordan | ZA : South Africa |
BO : Bolivia | KZ : Kazakhstan | KR : South Korea |
BA : Bosnia And Herzegowina | KW : Kuwait | ES : Spain |
BR : Brazil | KG : Kyrgyzstan | LK : Sri Lanka |
BG : Bulgaria | LV : Latvia | SD : Sudan |
KH : Cambodia | LB : Lebanon | SE : Sweden |
CA : Canada | LN : Libya | CH : Switzerland |
CL : Chile | LT : Lithuania | TW : Taiwan |
CN : China | MO : Macau | TJ : Tajikistan |
CO : Colombia | MK : Macedonia | TH : Thailand |
CR : Costa Rica | MG : Madagascar | TT : Trinidad And Tobago |
HR : Croatia | MW : Malawi | TN : Tunisia |
CY : Cyprus | MY : Malaysia | TR : Turkey |
CZ : Czech Republic | MB : Maldives | TM : Turkmenistan |
DK : Denmark | MT : Malta | EN : UK-England |
DM : Dominica | MX : Mexico | ND : UK-Northern Ireland |
DO : Dominican Republic | MD : Moldova | SF : UK-Scotland |
EG : Egypt | MN : Mongolia | WA : UK-Wales |
EE : Estonia | MA : Morocco | UA : Ukraine |
FI : Finland | NL : Netherlands | AE : United Arab Emirates |
FR : France | NZ : New Zealand | US : United States |
GE : Georgia | KP : North Korea | UY : Uruguay |
DE : Germany | NP : Norway | UZ : Uzbekistan |
GR : Greece | OM : Oman | VE : Venezuela |
GU : Guam | OS : Ossetia | VN : Viet Nam |
GT : Guatemala | PK : Pakistan | ZW : Zimbabwe |
GY : Guyana | PA : Panama |
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petite princesse